Wednesday, January 17, 2007

there's a difference

Do you know that feeling? When you've wanted something so badly for so long, and you finally get it? Not just that, it can't just be that. You finally get it, and it's exactly how you imagined it to be [and possibly more], making that something all the more incredible!
That feeling is so damn hard to get.
For one, much too often whether you knew what to expect or not, the outcome is a disappointment. And for another, sometimes you might want something but have no idea what to expect from it the first placeā€¦ so whether the outcome is good or bad, the feeling you get from it is not nearly as great as this feeling that I'm talking about.
There have only been two moments in my life so far that I can say have given me this feeling; one of them was today. I was so unbelievably happy today, haha...I'm crazy.
You should have been there.


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