Taken from 07 July 2007 written journal entry
So, at a place like a large music festival, much like the one I am currently at [Solidays in Paris], a girl like me feels extremely bittersweet. Happy and joyous because of the fest's cause [fighting against aids], for the music, and for being surrounded by the masses of people; but in shallow sorrow because she is without someone special to be here with. Soaked with insecurities. It would be wonderously ideal if I were to meet a special person at a place such as this, in fact that's what I dream of each time I attend. Unfortunately though, as there is one girl here in hope of meeting a boy, there are hundreds of other girls there that make it near-impossible. I am nowhere near extraordinary-looking, and my attire is generally modest, so I have nothing going for me to get me noticed by "the one". When I say "the one" I am simply referring in short to "the special someone", and not a "soul mate" for which I do not believe exists for anybody. Continuing on, I have been to a good number of music festivals and the like, and at none have I ever met "the one" [or anywhere , for that matter]. So, as one may be able to infer, I am often (and ruefully admitted) a sad and lonely person. I have friends of course, many, and without those who I am here with today I would have been so lost and even more alone here in France. I always feel, however, that I have everyone and no one at the same time.